Saturday, November 13, 2010

Storm Front (bonus points, if you get the reference)

So, I never was much of a boy-scout. Suffice to say, your neighborhood wanna-be Wiz is going through a rough time in his personal life. An excuse for not blogging? Yep, sure is. So, sue me. :)

This post was to be about my "take" on magic(k) (To K, or not to K). That post will happen. However, for the purposes of keeping my blog alive, I'm turning it temporarily over to my audience. What is magic to you? Do you believe in it? If so, why/why not?

Go ahead and feel free to expound in the way of comments. As soon as my ass is no longer substituting for my hat, I will join in & maybe even post (insert gasps and ooOOoohs here)